We call our method to structuring garment “THE MODELISM."
It's the integrated approach of combining design and pattern making techniques to construct garment in three dimensions.
Currently, the common perception is that creating patterns is the job of a pattern maker, while sketching designs is the job of a designer. So, Who is responsible for comprehensively considering both patterns and designs at an advanced level.
The fashion industry currently lacks roles that integrate both designers and pattern makers.
To understand the relationship between patterns and designs, it's necessary to first understand how garment is constructed.
Firstly, we break down the components of a garment, ensuring we grasp their meanings and functions clearly and can explain them effectively.
Then, we visualize clothing as a three-dimensional entity, formed by the combination of these components.
With this understanding, we can construct garments by assembling them from these constituent elements.
In essence, "THE MODELISM" enables us to create clothing designs with clarity and structural coherence.
Explore the relationship between garment structure and design on these pages. A single technic or structure is born, it evolves, and from there, it branches out into various types
Over time, the thoughts of engineers and creators whose names have been lost to history have been inherited and developed. We often take for granted things that someone, at some point, experimented with and created. For example, who first thought of adding gussets to kimono sleeves?